An Exciting Announcement…

We are expecting baby #3!

We’re just not sure when.

The due date is questionable, as I am not carrying this child…

We are adopting!



(Photos courtesy of Laura Frazier, Owner of Raspberry Lane Photography who was gracious enough to support our Adoption by offering us a complimentary Adoption “Maternity” Session!)

Almost two years ago, in this post, I shared a little of our plan to adopt. First, I’ll expand briefly on the time that has passed since then:

When Max was around one year old, we were beginning the adoption process; we met with an agency and did a tremendous amount of research and so on. God had drastically different plans and shortly thereafter I found out I was pregnant. That pregnancy sadly ended in a long, drawn out miscarriage, during which I ended up in the hospital to have my appendix removed (which actually turned out not to be the problem; I won’t get started). Long, emotional story short, my body recovered and only a short time later we learned (and rejoiced) I was pregnant again! This pregnancy blessed us with our second son, Cal (who will be 18 months old tomorrow); we are so unbelievably grateful for the two precious (biological) gifts we’ve been given.

Yet, our hearts leap at the thought of more little ones filling our home and yearn to meet the next beautiful person God will entrust to our care; this time via adoption.

This might not come as a shock because there are bits and pieces around here that obviously lead to one to believe we might be in the process (and many family and friends that we see often already know). I’ve hesitated to post anything regarding our adoption here, because up until now we were still in such limbo. We hadn’t officially completed or submitted most of our paperwork and were still waffling on the timing. However, over the last few months we’ve made huge strides in the actual adoption process with a renewed purpose, vision, and excitement to expand our family! Now, we have officially submitted our portfolio and the waiting game begins!

I am still hesitant because it is such a personal process and it makes me feel vulnerable. It is a different emotional experience than any of my pregnancies; for just that reason, I’m expecting a child, but I’m not pregnant. Our baby could be here in a month or more than a year. There are fears of the unknown but the undeniable call to move forward regardless. Ultimately, it is with all this in mind that I want to share:

When we start appearing with another baby, that baby is ours.


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I am such an advocate for community but somehow I only seem to think about other people’s community. Meaning when I find out someone didn’t share an exciting or challenging experience, I think “goodness, I would have loved to celebrate with you” or, “I could have been there to pray with you or help out had I known,” etc. So, I figured we have dear family and friends that might love to be on this journey with us to love, support, encourage, help, or even just ask questions; and we need to graciously encourage and accept their – your – involvement! Not to mention that lovingly walking alongside each other is God’s plan for relationship and we need to humbly put ourselves out there in order to receive that blessing.

I am excited to share our timeline as it progresses & started an Adoption Page above. I want to capture it here not only for my own benefit of looking back on this remarkable time, but to keep friends and family in the loop (for those of you who received Andy’s weekly updates when we were expecting Max, think along those lines, but not quite so funny).

If you want to follow along with our Adoption process (and my blog in general), for updates please subscribe via feed or email (top right column under the welcome) or you can “like” me on Facebook!

We are so excited to welcome another child; thank you for joining us in the process.

Check out: Home Study #1 & Home Study #2 

Shared with: Women Living WellWe are THAT family, Raising Arrows, Christian Mommy Blogger, Raising Mighty Arrows, & Serving Joyfully

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7 Responses to An Exciting Announcement…
  1. Sara Falci
    August 16, 2013 | 12:26 am

    Andy and Becca, I’m sincerely thrilled with your news! This child will be blessed abundantly to have you for parents! I wish your family all the best, and will anxiously be watching for updates:)

    • Becca V
      August 16, 2013 | 12:38 am

      Thank you so much, Sara!

  2. Rhoda
    August 21, 2013 | 11:01 pm

    Congratulations on your decision to adopt. As an adoptive mother of two children from Vietnam, blessings on you and your family. And you truly will be blessed. As you travel this journey called adoption be patient. As you basically stated in your post, the time could be short or long. Prepare yourself for long (as the process usually is) and pray for short. Either way, the Lord will get you the child you should have and your child will get the parents the Lord intended too. Neat how that works. And when the wait gets l..o..n..g.., hang in there. The Lord’s timing is not ours, and He is never late. And once you see that child (in picture or in real life)–your heart will never be the same. So excited for you and your family as you journey to #3.

    • Becca V
      August 23, 2013 | 2:02 pm

      Thank you so much for your encouragement, Rhoda! I am waiting not only for this baby, but the incredibly unknown heart transformation. I have my bio boys, but the whole process – beginning to end – is so different with so much to question. We are overjoyed and excited to meet this new baby and will continue to wait for the Lord to place him in our lives and home. Thank you again for reading and writing to share with me!

  3. […] the heart, EVERYTHING. So, THANK YOU for asking!  It is a blessing to know people care. Since announcing our anticipated adoption, there are endless questions to answer, but here are a few of those most frequently […]

  4. […] first made our Adoption Announcement a couple months ago. For a long time nothing was submitted or official; so it still felt unreal. […]

  5. […] Lane Photography! Yes, that would be my family in the frames above! Laura blessed us by taking our Adoption ‘Maternity’ Shoot and she is such an unbelievably sweet woman. She is so patient and intentional with her client […]