Category Archives: Family Life

The Read-Aloud Handbook

There are a lot of things I’d love to do well or better as a mom. I’d love to do more crafts, be more creative, spend more time building things (and knocking them down), and, since we have an incredibly active little boy, wrestling! And while all things can usually stand improvement, one thing I…

Adoption Reading

At 23 weeks pregnant, it seems odd, but I spent most of tonight researching adoption. I feel so unbelievably blessed that our first baby is sleeping upstairs and our next baby is kicking me from within the womb; I love them. I love all of our children; whether already in our home or with us, in heaven to meet in…

And Time Moves On…

Well, this post is almost 4 months to the day since my last. In hindsight, we went through an incredibly trying time…my husband transitioning to a new job with incredibly long hours and me working through another first trimester (which my body does not handle well…at all). However, “…The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the…

Well, Plans Change.

Yesterday, Max woke up from his afternoon nap with a horrible fever and clearly not feeling well :( Our normally “doesn’t stop moving from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep” little boy was just laying on me (sweating), not wanting to eat, drink, play or even move. He simply curled…

And the {ADOPTION} Journey Begins!

Andy and I discussed expanding our family beyond Max well before he was born. Come to think of it, we discussed forming a family and having children well before we were married. When I say, “having children” one assumes the obvious, conceiving and bearing a child; however, when I say, “forming a family” that is…

A While Away…

But I am back. It seems we’ve had quite a bit going on and I am once again getting into the groove of life and thoroughly enjoying our WI summer (which comes and goes, but all-in-all has been beautiful). The rest of this week is supposed to be a little rainy, but I can’t wait…

Max Makes me “Mom”

I love him more than words can express and think he has to be the coolest, most wonderful little boy that has graced the earth (besides Jesus). I am blessed and honored to be his mommy and yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating my motherhood! Andy took Max and me out to breakfast at one of my fave…

The Royal Wedding

This morning, we woke up, I handed Max some milk and a couple of graham crackers (for which I award myself “Mother of the Year”), brewed some coffee and sat down to enjoy watching The Royal Wedding (which I recorded from the live showing at 5am this morning). Overall, Max was just fine letting me…

February in Review

Right off the bat, we celebrated a major milestone on Max’s 1st Birthday!  It ended up being a serious snow day, so Andy was off work (although he still had to plow most of the day). We thoroughly enjoyed playing with all the decorations – batting at balloons and squirming through streamers! At the end…

A February Walk

After writing about how we’re desperately waiting on Spring, we were blessed with some incredible weather here in WI and jumped at the chance to be outside.   What a beautiful day and wonderful time together! Praise God for such simple blessings.