Well, Plans Change.

Yesterday, Max woke up from his afternoon nap with a horrible fever and clearly not feeling well :(

Our normally “doesn’t stop moving from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep” little boy was just laying on me (sweating), not wanting to eat, drink, play or even move. He simply curled up and rested as we watched bits of Seasame Street and afternoon talk shows.

My poor little guy.

Needless to say, we were quite certain that dragging him on an hour and a half car ride, leaving him with Nana, and forcing him to stay up way past bedtime would not put anyone in a pleasant position. Not to mention, we did not feel comfortable leaving our sick baby in his current state.

Alas, we did not attend the adoption meeting last night.

We were highly dissappointed as it seems there continue to be unexpected bumps in the road; as I mentioned yesterday, with every step forward we seem to take a step back…plans change or something happens.  But, in TRUTH, we know the Lord’s timing is perfect and we can only rest in His Peace which transcends all understanding. 

With this, I feel I simply must seek His Will more fervently and TRUST in His guidance, provision and protection! Simultaneously, we had an incredible PRAISE yesterday in the way of Provision and I cannot fail to mention how the Lord truly is at work whether or not we understand!

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One Response to Well, Plans Change.
  1. Sarah
    May 3, 2012 | 5:22 pm

    I can’t believe that you never mentioned that this was also the first night you ended up feeling sick because you were pregnant again! Talk about God answering prayer!