The Winding When & How We Met

Now, I had heard of this Andy on numerous occasions because two summers before (2000) I worked at a local coffee shop with one of his good friends and she talked about her friend Andy often. I had a different boyfriend at the time, and it did not even cross my mind that I would even date, let alone marry, this boy of whom she spoke. Over the course of that summer I heard of him often, his pastor was a regular & delightful customer, and I unknowingly met his mother (a.k.a. my mother-in-law).

Fast-forward through my senior year in high school and the following summer, and into my freshman year of college. We BOTH have one event at which we met, but the other does not remember. Here is mine:

I attended Edgewood and he went to UW-Madison; however, we both went to Campus Crusade on the Madison campus. Low and behold, that first night, who do I run into but the girlfriend I had worked with at the coffee shop! It was amazing to see a friendly and familiar face when everything was new and foreign. We chatted for a few minutes, when up walks this handsome red-head: “Becca, THIS is my friend, Andy.” She says. Now, I remember this distinctly because I had heard of him plenty of times before, so it had reason to stand out in my mind more than his. “Oh, hi, Andy. Nice to meet you!” We shook hands, he mentioned where they were headed, and off he went.

It was the Fall of 2002.

That was the first time I met and so briefly held the hand of my love.

He doesn’t remember that meeting, but he remembers the first time I showed up on his radar. Apparently my cousin and I went to the church high school ministry to check it out as a way to get involved serving. In the far reaches of my brain, I truly cannot remember this event. He says he was instantly intrigued, but I did not get involved with HS ministry at that time, so it was just a matter of actually seeing me again. It would be years before we can actually remember meeting again!

Over the next 4 years, we might see each other from afar at church. We had tons of the same friends and grew to be distant (intrigued) acquaintances.

It wasn’t until 2005-2006, when we served briefly in the High School Ministry together (he served for five years, I had just started) that we actually had a couple of conversations that were more than “hi,” in passing. We never hung out outside of that or talked on the phone, and Facebook was barely even in existence, so we weren’t even “friends” for some socially acceptable stalking. Then he up and moved to Australia for six months and that was that. I didn’t see him again for almost a year.

Early spring, 2007 we bumped into each other at church. I was with a friend, we talked for a minute and he said, “You know, every week after church we go to this family’s house for lunch. Anyone is welcome; do you guys want to come?”  (Shout out to the Rodgers for your after church lunch ministry, it has served in unexpected ways :)

And that was our first lunch together, by together I mean eating at the same time on opposite sides of the room with about 20 other people.

There were hiccups along the way, both dating other people, living in different countries, even after we started spending time together as friends, there was interest but uncertainty. We hung out for a couple weeks, didn’t see each other for a month, started spending time again, were caught in the midst of friend drama, and then finally something clicked.

May 12, 2007 he asked me to be his girlfriend. Well, at first he didn’t officially ask, just alluded to our exclusivity, which I (being me) totally would not accept and pretended like I had no idea what he was talking about until the words actually crossed his lips.

That “yes” was the best, wisest, most God-orchestrated and blessed answer I’ve ever given. Choosing to date and marry Andy will forever be the greatest decision of my life and one that I am thankful for everyday that we get to do this life together.

We are both talkative, excitable, fiery people; we butt-heads and argue, we nag and complain; we usually think we’re right (and fortunately or unfortunately, HE usually is). But in these last five years there has not been one day or moment (even in the heat of marital battle), that I have ever questioned my decision. I am confident to my core that he is a man that loves God, me, and our children. He works hard and plays hard; he loves to enjoy life, is hilarious, and his laugh will always be contagious to me.

I am a blessed woman to be his wife.

So here’s to Fall 2002 and every date along the way that we crossed paths and the Lord prepared our way!

Happy 5th Anniversary, my love!

When and How did you meet YOUR spouse? 

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4 Responses to The Winding When & How We Met
  1. Tasha
    September 18, 2013 | 10:00 pm

    Our first date was prom, May 12, 2001! There is a whole lot more to our story, but I need a nap before the girls are done with their rest/nap time.

    • Becca V
      September 19, 2013 | 12:43 am

      Oh, Fun! And we share the date (just a few years later :)

  2. Our Anniversary Date! | Milk & Honey Living
    September 23, 2013 | 6:59 pm

    […] you know, because I recently shared the Winding When & How We Met, Andy and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary on September […]

  3. […] Yippee…We had two sick chickadees on our actual anniversary, but I shared a little bit of the Winding When & How We Met and Our {super fun, make-up} Anniversary Date! I love this man now more than […]