Adoption Waiting – Day 202

I started this waiting questionnaire about one month after we started waiting. It was spurred on from following blogs, where each week the pregnant mommy completed a questionnaire of how far along she was, how she’s feeling, how she’s sleeping, weight gain, etc. We are expecting another baby in our home for whom we are to love, provide, and care for the rest of our lives, but I don’t know any of these things about my baby’s IN tummy time. So, I got to thinking…I thought it would be fun to share a:

Waiting Questionarrie

How long have you been waiting? 202 Days

How do you feel this week? I am feeling ready, ready, ready – excited – ready and waiting! I am happy for the warmer weather and sunshine. I feel like I want to hear SOMETHING. Anything.

What’s been on your mind? Oh, just a few things:

We have TWO Adoption fundraisers coming up in April! There is a lot to share on that front and I know many of you have asked about fundraising opportunities and the cost of adoption, so I’m drafting a separate post to tell you all about it!

What else?

COUSINS!! I haven’t shared anything on the blog up until now because one sister hadn’t made information public, but now that the secret’s out…BOTH of my sisters are pregnant!! Yippee! This is how we told our families at Christmas:


They told us at Thanksgiving and I’ve been dying to share since then! My shirt says: adoption is the new pregnant (not in the snarky way :) Sarah, the lovely lady on the right, is due at the end of June with a little GIRL – yep – of three grand babies so far, this will be the first girl (and Sarah’s second chicklet). Angie, as in the bride of the Wedding Extravaganza, just found out they are having a little BOY at the end of July and we all got to be there for the reveal!



As you can imagine, we’re pretty excited for all these babies to arrive and plans are underway to lavish on these babes and their mamas! And that is certainly what’s on my mind…

What are your prayers for this baby? That the baby is healthy. Healthy and getting ready to come home to us.

What are you doing to prepare? Gathering appropriate toys, coloring pads, and games for the big boys for our road-trip!

How are you taking care of yourself this week? Actually, I was very good about taking care of myself this week – I’ve been drinking less coffee, drinking tons of water, taking a new vitamin, trying to eat healthy foods more consistently throughout the day! Plus, getting outside for a few walks has been excellent for the ‘ol mental health :)

What have you done with your kids this week? Last week, we had fun at an impromptu FROZEN movie night at our neighbor’s house, had a library date and our Homeschool gym class. Spent a lot more time outside and have been doing plenty of St. Patrick’s Day kid’s activities!

Nervous about anything? Yep. Lots at the moment :)

Dreaming about/Looking forward to this week: Answering the phone and it actually being our agent. Every time I pick up, I wonder if this this is the call; it will be surreal when it is really her and there is news.

New Baby Items: No new baby items, but I cleaned up on new shoes for Max. I am mortified to say that he was running around in shoes that he had long outgrown – these tiny people complain about the strangest things and then don’t say a word when their toes are crammed into a shoe 2 sizes too small. I knew that they were getting small, but I told him I had my eyes open and would get some good ones next time a sale came around. Well, the time came and I found running shoes, and “dress” (meaning non-running shoes) for the next two sizes. Granted, in some distant way they are for the new baby as he will be wearing them sooner or later!

Your Turn:

Are you a pregnant or waiting mama? Are you documenting the weeks as they pass? 

Did you keep certain records when you were expecting?

~ Becca

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14 Responses to Adoption Waiting – Day 202
  1. Angie
    March 17, 2014 | 3:24 pm

    Beautiful post- I’m sure george will love it! :)
    22 weeks preggo this week and that little boy is doing karate inside my tummy! He must be excited to meet his cousins :)

    • Becca V
      March 17, 2014 | 3:43 pm

      Yippee! The time sure flies – we can’t wait to meet our darling nephew; he’ll be here before we know it!

  2. Julianna
    March 17, 2014 | 3:43 pm

    Great post! I will continue to keep you, as well as Sarah and Angie, in my prayers! What an exciting time for the whole family!

    • Becca V
      March 17, 2014 | 5:08 pm

      Thanks for your prayers, Julie!

  3. Kim
    March 17, 2014 | 7:23 pm

    I LOVE this post! My husband and I are thinking about adoption in the future.

    Linked up from Mommy Moments

    • Becca V
      March 17, 2014 | 8:38 pm

      Thanks, Kim! How wonderful, the process has already blessed us beyond measure!

  4. Heather @To Sow a Seed
    March 17, 2014 | 9:50 pm

    I love reading these updates. You take me back to our own waiting in our adoption journeys. Praying for you!

    • Becca V
      March 18, 2014 | 4:43 pm

      Thanks, Heather!

  5. Rhoda
    March 19, 2014 | 6:30 am

    Congrats on all the babies in progress! What an exciting time for your family. Love the tutus/ties cake.

    • Becca V
      March 19, 2014 | 6:17 pm

      Ah, I know, wasn’t it just adorable? Thanks :)

  6. Sarah @ Just Me
    March 19, 2014 | 7:39 am

    Hi! Coming via Growing Home :)

    What a great idea, and how exciting! My good friend and her husband have been waiting three years to adopt {internationally} and found out two weeks ago they’ve been matched to a little boy!! Oh, so exciting. The waiting has been so hard, but hearing his background and all that, it is just pure evidence that God ALWAYS knows.

    What a wonderful thing you are doing and I pray you hear some amazing news soon!

    • Becca V
      March 19, 2014 | 6:18 pm

      Wow, Sarah, 3 years – I can only imagine. Congratulations to your friend and God bless their family as they bring their little boy home! Thank you for stopping by :)

  7. […] mentioned in my last Adoption Waiting Questionnaire, that we are working on two different fundraisers at the moment. We are crazy excited for these […]

  8. […] try to share an Adoption Update at least once/month by filling out my Adoption Waiting Questionnaire; but the biggest thing I shared in March was the Both Hands Adoption Fundraiser we […]