Thanksgiving 2011 – How Abundantly Blessed!

There are so many things to be Thankful for…too many things to list here; although I will try. I am Thankful for: my husband, my son, my parents, siblings, in-laws and extended family. I am Thankful for the roof over my head (and many rooms in our home), heat, the car(s) in our garage, the…

The Center of a Hospitable Heart

Last year, I read the book Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love by Lonni Collins Pratt and David Homan. Today, feeling a little tired and tested, I re-read some of the quotes I wrote down and one leaped off the page to be shared (actually, it is a fantastic book, so numerous leaped off the page,…

When to Read with Young Kids

Last week, I posted about The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. It is a fantastic resource and has TONS of information (that I won’t rewrite here; I just highly recommend you read it) such as: the benefits of reading, statistics, and book recommendations for different ages/stages. Today, I want to offer up some suggestions of…

The Read-Aloud Handbook

There are a lot of things I’d love to do well or better as a mom. I’d love to do more crafts, be more creative, spend more time building things (and knocking them down), and, since we have an incredibly active little boy, wrestling! And while all things can usually stand improvement, one thing I…

As the Snow Comes Down

Today is one of those beautiful days when our home feels warm and my heart feels full. We all seem to be sick. ‘Tis the Season…but what a wonderful “sick day” it has been. Max and I slept in, stayed in our pj’s, ate leftover (healthy-ish) cookies for breakfast, cuddled on the couch to watch…

“Little Pumpkins” Party – Recipes!

So, I tried to think back to where on blogdom I found my recipes because I wanted to give credit where credit is due. I backtracked and indeed found the site (which I now follow)…Our Best Bites! These ladies are incredible; there are awesome ideas and I can’t wait to try more for upcoming events. As…

“Little Pumpkins” Party

This past weekend, we threw a “Little Pumpkins” Party and it was delightful. Max was all “dressed up” (for the first time) with no place to go, so we invited the crowd here to get the kids together in their costumes and enjoy some treats. I have since found out that there are some pretty cool…

Adoption Reading

At 23 weeks pregnant, it seems odd, but I spent most of tonight researching adoption. I feel so unbelievably blessed that our first baby is sleeping upstairs and our next baby is kicking me from within the womb; I love them. I love all of our children; whether already in our home or with us, in heaven to meet in…


I was so tired. I simply wanted to sleep. Before I g0t into bed, I thought I was going to fall asleep standing up. Then, I lay down and…nothing. Sleep eluded me. As I grew more anxious, I made a decision: Right now, I can toss and turn, be anxious and annoyed, and look at the clock every 15…

And Time Moves On…

Well, this post is almost 4 months to the day since my last. In hindsight, we went through an incredibly trying time…my husband transitioning to a new job with incredibly long hours and me working through another first trimester (which my body does not handle well…at all). However, “…The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the…