Forget Friday Five: 6.1.12

Sorry for spacing out at the ‘ol blog this last couple weeks. This about sums how I’ve been feeling… Yikes. This week was actually filled with unexpected, wonderful moments starting with my birthday on Monday and unexpected family time throughout the week. But, for some reason, everything has been more exhausting and harder than normal; pockets…

Friday Five – 5.25.12

Phew, Our {Real Food} Journey series took it out of me and somehow I feel like I barely scratched the surface! I am still looking forward to sharing our Food Revolution Dinner next week, but as for today, a lovely round-up of great articles from this week.   The Balancing Act @ Visionary Womanhood (between our ministry in and…

Our {Real Food} Journey: Conclusion and Resources

If you’re new to this series, start here! Thank you so much for allowing me to share Our {Real Food} Journey with you and for your encouragement along the way! I really appreciate all of the love and support. To wrap up: some concluding thoughts and recommended resources! All-in-All Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan said it…

Our {Real Food} Journey: Food Spending and Culture

If you’re new to this series, start here! The most common argument against buying real food is the cost, and hopefully offering up 12 Ways to Save makes that argument a little less viable! I do think saving money where we can is important; however, I’d also like to challenge the western thought process toward food in relationship to our money…

Our {Real Food} Journey: 12 Ways to Save!

If you’re new to this series, start here! Food, especially real organic food, is a huge cost! These are 11 suggestions to make eating real food affordable! Make Choice Investments Decide what YOU feel is most important to be of the highest quality and invest in those (personally: the dirty dozen, grass-fed beef/pasture-raised chickens, pastured eggs,…

Our {Real Food} Journey: 7 Tips Toward Real Food

  If you’re new to this series, start here! The following are some thoughts on what I did that worked out well OR that I didn’t do and wish I would have: {The Emotional Steps} 1.) Freedom & Grace for Your Pace! Some people are “all or nothing” and can make drastic changes overnight and…

Our {Real Food} Journey: From the Beginning

If you’re new to this series, start here! It all started… (unintentionally) about two years ago. I was not out to learn more about eating or cooking healthy, I thought I knew the basics and was, in general, a healthy person. Sure, I loved sweets (still do), ate the typical snack foods and grabbed the…

Our {Real Food} Journey: Real Food Defined

If you’re wondering whether or not something is {real}, ask yourself, “Could someone generations ago find this given item or create this combination of food items?” If the answer is no, then it is not Real Food. My working definition of {Real food} is just that: REAL, whole foods that are consumed as they were…

Our {Real Food} Journey: Disclaimer

I have written a fair amount of posts mentioning or alluding to our desire to eat REAL FOOD. Over the next four days I will share our definition of real food, why we made changes, where to begin, tips and tricks, encouragement and real food resources.  But, I absolutely have to start by sharing the…

Friday Five (on Saturday): 5.12.12

1.) It has been a ridiculously busy past couple of weeks; way too many things going on and far too little down time (hence my Friday Five making its appearance on Saturday night)! Andy’s work schedule has been insane, but I did get to sneak away for a night out with the girls…not just ANY…