Praying Against Fear in Adoption

I have to be honest. I am overjoyed and cannot wait for our adoption. But, I am also a little nervous. I usually rush through a flurry of competing emotions faster than I know how to process them. Last week, I was fearful. But, Fear is not from God. (2 Timothy 1:7) In fact, Perfect…

Updates & Popular Posts

Since I started blogging again, I’ve been trying to refine things around here! Get everything up and running correctly (thanks to some great friends’ help, because I am completely technologically inept). But, in the process, I realized that I have tons of new readers and many people that have just subscribed or started following might…

Half Birthday Month!

August marks both boys’ half birthdays! Cal is 18 months and Max is 3.5 years old! I thought it would be fun to share what we wrote about the boys in our Adoption Portfolio:  Maxwell was born in February of 2010! He is a very curious and fun-loving three year old; wild and free! He…

Heart of Flesh

The other night, praying with Max before bed I said, “Lord change and mold our hearts of stone…” Max shot his head up, with what I perceived as a look of you’re crazy mom. “Mom, mold our hearts?” “Yes, because we all are imperfect and have sinful hearts. Sin hardens our heart toward God and…

Home Study #2

Our second Home Study, was on Tuesday, June 11th. We spent the few weeks before preparing the house. There were seemingly endless projects that I’ve wanted to do for forever, but thankfully this lit a fire under the ‘ol toosh to actually get them done. In reality, it was way more for our benefit than…

Home Study #1

First, THANK YOU! Wow, Everyone! Please let me start by saying I am overwhelmed and so grateful for the outpouring of kind words, love, and support. I love processing all of this in writing and am so glad to know that people enjoy reading and want to follow along! Thank you to those of you who…

An Exciting Announcement…

We are expecting baby #3! We’re just not sure when. The due date is questionable, as I am not carrying this child… We are adopting!   (Photos courtesy of Laura Frazier, Owner of Raspberry Lane Photography who was gracious enough to support our Adoption by offering us a complimentary Adoption “Maternity” Session!) Almost two years ago,…

Think About Such Things…

My first born opted out of afternoon naps, but was very obedient to stay in his room and play for a while before coming downstairs, only to approach me whispering, “Don’t worry, Mom, I will play very quietly by myself (note: dramatic hand motions), so that you don’t have to put me back upstairs. Okay?”…

The Throes of Preschool Planning & Curriculum

I am not sending Max to a formal preschool this year, which means I am in the throes of organizing a preschool “curriculum!” The blessing and curse of the internet is that there are so many unbelievable ideas and resources out there…that it is entirely overwhelming. Who knew there were so many ways you could glue…

To Accept it Gracefully

He was asleep but a short time when he awoke angrily wrestling his blankets seeking some sort of consolation from this pain. Four white spots are taunting his gums; poking through ever so slightly, only to sit back and linger a while longer. I was finishing up every desire on my wish list for the day….