Category Archives: General

It’s Been a While!

This is just a quick check-in to say hello! Our computer has barely been working for the last week, which has made writing and/or posting a bit tricky! If we’re lucky enough to get an Internet connection, it is fleeting and moves painfully slow. When this thing is up and running again, I am so…

Friday Five: 6.29.12

Today is the type of day when nothing fills my heart more than my work as mommy and the kids that grant me that title! We had such a beautiful morning: up cooking bright and early while Cal napped and Max bustled about, ran an errand, played at the park, went for a walk at…

Friday Five Faves: 6.22.12

Happy Friday to you!  Here are a few fave pins and articles from this week: With this amazing weather, how gorgeous does this Avocado Blackberry Ice Cream look?! Source: via Becca on Pinterest   Five Spiritual Reasons to Read to Your Children @ Women Living Well Our Morning Vegetable Juice in the Blender @ Passionate Homemaking (I was…

These are a FEW of My Favorite Things…

This past weekend was indescribably lovely. The weather, the work we accomplished, our time together as a family, and the time Andy and I escaped together for a date. Right now, for a number of reasons, I have a heightened awareness of the gift of life, love, family, and friends. There is so much for which…

Forget Friday Five: 6.1.12

Sorry for spacing out at the ‘ol blog this last couple weeks. This about sums how I’ve been feeling… Yikes. This week was actually filled with unexpected, wonderful moments starting with my birthday on Monday and unexpected family time throughout the week. But, for some reason, everything has been more exhausting and harder than normal; pockets…

Friday Five – 5.25.12

Phew, Our {Real Food} Journey series took it out of me and somehow I feel like I barely scratched the surface! I am still looking forward to sharing our Food Revolution Dinner next week, but as for today, a lovely round-up of great articles from this week.   The Balancing Act @ Visionary Womanhood (between our ministry in and…

Friday Five (on Saturday): 5.12.12

1.) It has been a ridiculously busy past couple of weeks; way too many things going on and far too little down time (hence my Friday Five making its appearance on Saturday night)! Andy’s work schedule has been insane, but I did get to sneak away for a night out with the girls…not just ANY…

Friday Five – 5.4.12

1.) I am so grateful for such sweet family and friends who call or come help when my love is away. One such lovely friend even brought flowers which have been brightening up my kitchen all week.   2.) I waited for months to get the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon from the library and upon taking…

“Little Pumpkins” Party

This past weekend, we threw a “Little Pumpkins” Party and it was delightful. Max was all “dressed up” (for the first time) with no place to go, so we invited the crowd here to get the kids together in their costumes and enjoy some treats. I have since found out that there are some pretty cool…

The Wonderful Things…

Right now, I wanted to express every wonderful thing in my life… After what is now over a week (during a long few months) of illness, ups and downs, exhaustion, and often the weight of my own attitude… I.Just. Want. To. Be.THANKFUL. Thankful for every experience. Positive. Negative. Whatever. I want to be PRESENT and AWARE of all the…