Category Archives: Faith

The Next 40 Days

Today marks the beginning of Lent. Traditionally it initiates a time of sacrifice for Christ (often giving something up for 6 weeks) in order to remind us of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf, draw us closer to our King and prompt our prayer as we deny ourselves certain desires. This year, I am giving up a couple…

Women of the Word (WOW): 3.7.11

I have to be honest, I did not do great job commiting time last week to memorizing 1 John 2:1 (Advocate & Righteous One), so I will be continuing to work on that. However, this week’s verse is Isaiah 9:6 and it encompasses 4 additional names of God and attributes of His character. I pray that I…

Women of the Word (WOW): 3.1.11

As I begin this weekly scritpure memorization challenge, I didn’t want to haphazardly pick verses. I wanted a theme – verses that flow together so as I learn them I gain a deeper understanding of a given topic. I’ve chosen the “Names of God.” There are hundreds! This week, the Lord is my ADVOCATE (and, in a…

Women of the Word (WOW): Kick-off!

When I think of how I want my children to describe their mother it is most certainly as a faithful woman of God. How better to be faithful than to know who He is, what He wants from me and what He has for me? And how better to learn these things than relishing His…


I absolutely cannot grow to be more like Christ by my own strength or amidst my own faulty motives. I must walk with the Lord and obey His commands because I love Him. Simply because I love Him. So quickly, my motivation can become more about me and what I might receive, than about Him and what…

Not BY but FOR

The women’s Life Group I am in is currently studying Ephesians using the book Paul’s Letters to the Churches. While working on this week’s assignment, I came across this line: We are not saved by our works but for good works. And it has been bouncing around my brain ever since. There is no way…

Happy 1st Birthday, Max!

Today is my son’s first birthday! He has officially been alive for one year and I have never been more aware of what can take place in a mere 365 days. He has gone from a lowly babe – needing to suckle and sleep – to a walking, stumbling, babbling, climbing, wrestling, splashing, dancing, eating,…

Starting with the Sweet Stuff

This afternoon, as I walked up the stairs holding my child, he squawked and flailed from his discomfort and exhaustion. As we approached his room, he demonstrated one last defiant “stiffening” before succumbing to the soothing music and swaying rhythm.    This is the sweet stuff… He fell asleep in my arms. He never falls…