Category Archives: Faith

To Accept it Gracefully

He was asleep but a short time when he awoke angrily wrestling his blankets seeking some sort of consolation from this pain. Four white spots are taunting his gums; poking through ever so slightly, only to sit back and linger a while longer. I was finishing up every desire on my wish list for the day….

Hefty Hiatus & Great Recent Reads

I last posted 8 months ago. The time passed and then every time I wanted to write I didn’t know where to begin! We’ve been working on so much around here and I suppose just living life. I still don’t know where to begin, but I do want to keep writing on this blog, that…

The Lesson in Shirtlessness

In the 90 degree heat, I watched as Max took off his shirt. He wrestled and when his head popped free, his face shot up with elation that could never be captured in photograph; but I could interpret the expression and his little heart immediately, I am just like daddy. He looked back and forth…

Telling the Truth

I spend a LOT of time in the kitchen. You can imagine, I make a ton of dishes and, without a dishwasher, I spend almost as much time cleaning up as I spend cooking and eating! What’s my favorite way to pass the time? I’m so glad you asked :) Have you heard of Telling the Truth?…

Summer Reading List 2012

 These are a few I have checked out from the Library right now. It’s a lot of non-fiction; so I really need to get my hands on a couple good pieces of fiction, too…a couple “lazy days in the sun” type books.  I’ll start with these and see where the Summer takes me! Sheparding a…

Friday Five – 5.25.12

Phew, Our {Real Food} Journey series took it out of me and somehow I feel like I barely scratched the surface! I am still looking forward to sharing our Food Revolution Dinner next week, but as for today, a lovely round-up of great articles from this week.   The Balancing Act @ Visionary Womanhood (between our ministry in and…

Friday Five – 5.4.12

1.) I am so grateful for such sweet family and friends who call or come help when my love is away. One such lovely friend even brought flowers which have been brightening up my kitchen all week.   2.) I waited for months to get the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon from the library and upon taking…

The Benefit of Scripture Memory at its Finest!

For Easter, Calvin received the My ABC Bible Verses book that I had mentioned on my Building Our {Faith} Library wish list! Well, as he is not quite yet able to memorize scripture, Max and I totally usurped his gift and started last week with Letter A: I do give a little breakdown of our memorization…

For God so Loved the World…

Today, on this Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on our behalf… For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save…

Building Our {FAITH} Library

There are many, many books that I am perfectly fine with checking out from the library, enjoying for a couple weeks and returning with no monetary investment. However, as reading plays a vitally important role in our home, so does building a family library of quality resources and some are absolutely worth the investment to buy, have, love and read over and over…