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Happy National Adoption Month!

  (photo credit) I first made our Adoption Announcement a couple months ago. For a long time nothing was submitted or official; so it still felt unreal. Like we knew it would happen, but at some abstract point in time. However, since sharing, it has been a huge blessing to receive so much love, support,…

Highlights at our Home {October 2013}

October has come and gone; and I have to say… It might be my favorite month! It is just so beautiful, crisp, hearty, and fun! We’ve fully transitioned into comfort meals, like our new favorite 3-year old approved Coconut Curry Chicken; and experimented with a few more dairy-free recipes, which can prove to be a home-run…

Change 3 Challenge: Final Update & Outcome!

Well, if you’ve been following along, this past month I was honored to be invited by Amber over at Adventures in Mindful Living to join up with her Change 3 Challenge! It was a joy to get to know her better and follow along with her challenge updates as well as the other ladies who…

Adoptive Waiting Questionnaire: Day 60

How long have you been waiting? Today is Day 60. What’s been on your mind? Ironically, 60 days is minimal to so many people waiting for their children – biological or adopted. A dear friend of mine has struggled with infertility for years now and just received additional news on the timeline of even possibly conceiving (unfortunately…

There is Hopelessness…and Hope!

There was a very strange dichotomy to last week; I experienced annoyances, physical pain, and emotional heaviness, coinciding with super exciting anticipation for a blessed Girl’s Getaway. Such good and such heaviness… (photo credit) In my Twitterature post last week, I mentioned two books I read on marriage, womanhood, and motherhood last month. While those seemed to…

Girl’s Getaway & Change 3: Week 3

This past weekend I had the privilege of celebrating one of my dearest friend’s SURPRISE Birthday Girl’s Getaway! Planning has been in the works for weeks and she was in the dark! Her husband really pulled one over on her! She had a massage on Thursday night and when the massage was done, her massage…

Coconut Curry Chicken

My three year old is totally in that stage where his initially reaction to all food is, “No, I don’t really like that,” – one day he likes something, the next day he doesn’t (but has to eat it anyway ;) Last week, I shared my triumph on Facebook, when halfway through the meal with…

Twitterature {October 2013}

  Every month, Modern Mrs. Darcy hosts a Twitterature Link-up as, “a place to share short, casual reviews of books…” There are always plenty of awesome recommendations and reviews, so if you’re looking for suggestions, head on over and hop around! Oddly enough, this month I am committed to reading 30 minutes before bed as part of my Change 3 Challenge, and…

Change 3 Challenge: Week 2 Update

Another eventful weekend has come and gone. We spent Friday night at the Teen Challenge Charity Banquet, which was an awesome night raising funds and celebrating the work this organization does for those battling addiction. If you know anyone struggling with addiction, please look into Teen Challenge; they have touched and blessed our family! For those…

Our Adoption (Process) FAQs

People are curious about Adoption, but it can be a tricky topic to navigate; I’m sure I’ve asked my fair share or rude or offensive questions to adoptive parents. There is some general understanding within the world of adoption, what are appropriate and inappropriate questions. But many people, especially those outside this process, do not know that….