Happy 1st Birthday, Max!

Today is my son’s first birthday!

He has officially been alive for one year and I have never been more aware of what can take place in a mere 365 days. He has gone from a lowly babe – needing to suckle and sleep – to a walking, stumbling, babbling, climbing, wrestling, splashing, dancing, eating, singing, building, learning, pointing, laughing little boy. He is keenly aware of mommy and daddy – and is daddy’s tiny shadow. If Andy is home, Max is right next to (or more likely on top of) him. He is usually filled with wonder, joy and excitement (and if not, he’ll let you know something isn’t right)!

I am proud and blessed to be his mom and I am routinely fascinated by watching him grow. In reflecting on the last year, I realized I have spent the majority of my time with him taking care of his physical needs. I have been entrusted to care for this life and I tried my best. I have nursed (prayed) rocked (prayed) soothed (prayed), bathed (prayed), fed (prayed) changed (prayed) – and repeated! I have learned about taking care of a child, meeting his needs, and perpetually accommodating another person. Most of the time, I loved providing for my child’s physical needs as it was a tangible service on his behalf. It is fitting to say this year I provided the “milk.”

However, as he is rapidly becoming more capable, aware and mature (he is obviously still young and in great need of physical care) I am so much more concerned with the “honey” – deepening our bond, “reading & discussing,” sharing thoughts, observing our days, lovingly instructing, speaking truth, teaching life lessons, and growing him into the man God desires him to be.

He is but one year old, but he is already ONE! The years will pass quickly and over the next 365 days I desire to be the best mom I can be to my child, wash over him the Spirit of Truth and love him unconditionally as Christ has first loved me.

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